题目: Direct Measurement of Galactic Cosmic Rays
主讲人:Alberto Oliva意大利INFN研究员
2019 – today: Staff Researcher and AMS Team Leader in INFN (Istituto Nazionale
di Fisica Nucleare),Sezione di Bologna, Italy.
2011 – 2019: Fix term researcher for CIEMAT (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas,
Medioambientalesy Tecnológicas), Madrid, Spain. Permanently located to CERN
(European Council for Nuclear Research), Geneva, Switzerland.
2007 – 2011: Research fellowship with University of Perugia.
2007 PhD, University of Perugia
2004 Physics Degree, University of Bologna, magna cum laude
Cosmic rays are high-energy particles coming from outer space.They are composed of electrons, protons, helium nuclei, and nucleiwith atomic numbers greater than 2, as well as components ofanti-matter like positrons and anti-protons.In the last decades, direct measurement of cosmic rays entered aprecision era. Large high-energy particle physics experiments operating from space allowed high statistic measurements of the cosmic ray spectra, of their chemical and isotopic composition, and of the rare anti-mattercomponents, in a wide energy range.In this seminar, I will review the progress in the field, the experimental techniques employed, and the physics implication of the measurements, with a special focus on the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02), a multi-TeV multi-purpose spectrometer taking data since 2011 on the International Space Station, that collected an unprecedented amount of cosmic ray data (>200 billion).New findings have also opened new questions. I will discuss some of thenew concepts and of the already planned forthcoming experimentsthat will try to address them.