
主持人:刘四明 教授



题目:Observation of the energetic particles using LND

主讲人:徐子贡 加州理工学院(Caltech)博士后,PSP/ISOIS 仪器组成员

本科硕士毕业于南京大学天文与空间科学学院,后在德国基尔大学获得博士学位。2019-2023年担任月球中子和辐射剂量仪(LND,嫦娥4号)仪器在德国的主要负责人,SolO/EPD 仪器组成员。主要利用LND,SolO, PSP 的高能粒子数据对太阳高能粒子,银河宇宙线,反常宇宙线观测,并探究高能粒子在月表和空间中的辐射效应。


Lunar Lander Neutron and Dosimetry (LND) experiment onboard the Chang’E-4 lander is the first charged particle telescope working on the lunar (far-side) surface, and it can effectively measure the radiation environment of the lunar far-side surface during solar eruptions.

The theme of talk will include the lunar radiation environment, the SEP observations, the albedo (secondary) proton generated on the lunar surface, and a brief introduction of the dawn-dusk asymmetry characteristic of the lower energy GCRs.

下一条:格物致理70期:Cosmology: A Golden Era(宇宙学的黄金时代)

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