视频录制:格物致理67期:Pulsars, neutron stars, and their interaction with interstellar medium
发布者: 发布时间:2024-05-07 09:04:56 -
格物致理67期:Pulsars, neutron stars, and their interaction with interstellar medium
The formation of compact objects-- neutron stars and black holes--and their evolution in stellar systems make them a unique resource to study their emission and interaction with the interstellar medium (ISM), planetary ionospheres and magnetospheres including Earth.
发布者: 发布时间:2024-04-29 10:35:48 -
格物致理66期:Cosmography on xyz space:general formula and applications
Cosmography is a pure kinematic and model-independent method to describe the expansion of Universe without invoking the Einstein field equation. In this talk, I will briefly introduce the general expansion formula of cosmography on xyz space, where x represents a dimensionless cosmic time interval. Both flat and non-flat spacetime background are considered. We also compare the cosmography with a high-precision parameterization basing on cosmic time, i.e., PAge approximation, and then we apply this model-independent method to test the discrepancy with the LCDM model by using high-redshift data.
发布者: 发布时间:2024-04-28 09:07:14 -
耀变体光变现象是天体物理学中的重要研究领域,涉及色指数、偏振光变等多个关键参数。我们综合分析了耀变体光变现象,利用多波段数据研究了光变曲线相关性及辐射区位置。通过局部互相关函数分析了时间延迟现象,并发现了色指数变化规律。通过时间延迟分析、色指数和偏振光变研究,结合螺旋喷流几何模型和双成分模型,定量分析了耀变体的光变机制。对于AO 0235+164和B2 1633+382这两个源,我们深入研究了它们的多波段辐射特性和光变行为,揭示了辐射区位置和光变机制的重要信息。总的来说,光变研究不仅有助于理解耀变体光变现象的物理机制,还为活动星系核的统一模型提供了重要依据。通过多波段光变曲线的关联分析,我们能够更深入地认识耀变体的辐射机制和物理性质。
发布者: 发布时间:2024-04-08 11:39:53 -
格物致理64期: l黑洞系统磁场的起源 l 吸积与喷流的相关问题 l 黑洞自转的测量及物理意义 l 霍金辐射与黑洞蒸发
黑洞系统磁场的起源 l 吸积与喷流的相关问题 l 黑洞自转的测量及物理意义 l 霍金辐射与黑洞蒸发
发布者: 发布时间:2024-03-15 16:33:27 -
发布者: 发布时间:2024-03-15 16:28:54